Yellow fever


Yellow fever, historically called Yellow Jack, is an acture viral hemorrhagic disease caused by RNA virus of the Flavivirus. The virus is transmitted primarily through bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito. Symptoms include fever, chills, anorexia, nausea, muscle pain and other symptoms with common flu. Hence, it is difficult to diagnose the diease in early stages of infection. According to WHO estimates, yellow fever causes 30,000 deaths per year, 90% of which occurs in Africa.


None of the antiviral drugs are effective in treating yellow fever. Hence, vaccination is the only effective option available against the disease.

CANDO predictions

Yellow Fever


  1. Pathogen COFACTOR predictions on pathogen
Compound Pathogen Structure
rosin 1"/results/png/2236.png"
obetrol 2"/results/png/2101.png"
memantine 3"/results/png/1259.png"
rimantadine 4"/results/png/1228.png"
1comma3-propanedisulfonic_acid_disodium 5"/results/png/1055.png"
treosulfan 6"/results/png/785.png"
citrate 7"/results/png/2158.png"
busulfan 8"/results/png/368.png"
acamprosatum 9"/results/png/1544.png"
amantadine 10"/results/png/2377.png"
aceglutamide 11"/results/png/2463.png"
saxagliptin 12"/results/png/3407.png"
ribavirin 13"/results/png/1856.png"
nicorandil 14"/results/png/2660.png"
clofenamide 15"/results/png/76.png"
nelarabine 16"/results/png/1375.png"
cladribine 17"/results/png/890.png"

CANDO || Protinfo || Bioverse || Samudrala Computational Biology Research Group ||